Friday, April 11, 2008

The Smooth Criminal

I am largely of the opinion that men grow beards so that they can have mustaches without looking like they're gay. The other day, though, I decided that maybe, just maybe, it might be worth the risk to sport a mustache - at least for a while.

Accordingly, I buzzed my beard and left the 'stache.

The results thus far? Ironically, my mustache appears to be straightening gays.

Tellingly, it appears to be having the opposite effect on women.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bold move Michael, bold move.

As you may or may not know, the mustache is the only acceptable facial hair at BYU. I have threatened to grow one several times, but have yet to follow through.

Personally, I don't grow one out of fear of looking like a child molester. Here is a great link of a group of committed individuals to the promotion of social acceptability of the 'stache. Perhaps you should join.
